An orphan.

Born among the most barbaric people on earth. He could not read or write. He was thrown out of his own land. Persecuted to the bitterest. And yet such is the wonder of his life, that within the 23 years of his prophetic period, he changed not only the fate of his people, but the destiny of the whole world; he founded a faith that has penetrated the hearts and souls of people in every far flung corner of the world and occupies the hearts of over one fourth of mankind. He is revered by 1.6 billion people on earth as a Prophet of God, and followed with love, loyalty and sincerity the like of which exists introduction. All men of God seek their Creator in the stillness of solitude. For many years, before he received the Divine call, the Prophet (sa) would seek God on solitary retreats to a cave called Hira, in the surrounding Mountains of Mecca, where he would stay for days at a time. On one fateful day in the year 610, when the Prophetsa was on one of these spiritual retreats he received his first revelation from God. In all its awe and majesty, that encounter was the beginning of the Qur’an. In the 1400 years since its revelation, the Quran is universally accepted as being unaltered – not a dot of it has changed; a miraculous distinction that religious scholars of all stripes testify to.

“Verily, We Ourself have sent down this Exhortation, and most surely We will be its Guardian” (15:9)

For 14 centuries, its recitation has mesmerized people from all around the world.

“Therein, verily, are Signs for a people who reflect” (13:4)

It is the most recited book in the history of mankind as over 1 billion Muslims recite its verses every single day, in all 5 daily prayers. The scope of its subject matter has awed researchers from hundreds of fields throughout the ages, as its verses cover every area of human life, as well as the universe around us, from the earth we live on, to the planets and beings beyond it; from embryology to astronomy, and so forth.

It is a book that fosters spirituality. “Only in the remembrance of God do hearts find comfort”.

It is a message of mercy: “My mercy encompasses all things” (7:157)
A message of forgiveness: “Allah would not punish them while they sought forgiveness” (8:34)
A message of hope: “So verily, with the hardship, there is a relief.” (94:6)
A message of equality: “Allah rewards the believing men and women” (33:36)
It grants freedom of religion to all and is categorical about freedom of consciousness: “There is no compulsion in religion.” (2:257)
It is universal in its concept of the divine: “All praise belongs to Allah, Lord of all the worlds”. (1:2)

The Qur’an brings humanity together by teaching that all religions at their root are true. In fact, Muslims must believe in the truth of all prophets, and emphasizes that they are all from the same One True God. Even more, the Quran grants the prophets of all religions a position of great honour, bringing people from all creeds together. And its message grants hope to all, that the gates to God’s mercy are not just for one nation, or one people, but for all who make good with their lord.

Ultimately, a book of this nature and composition, of this emotion and depth, of this spirituality and magnanimity, is not a manual of ideology. It is a scripture of spirituality. It is not a manifesto for militants–

it is a guide for the seeker; for those in search of God and becoming at one with the Creator and with creation; who wish to fulfill the rights of God and man; who seek peace in their hearts and peace on earth.

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